1516 E Colonial Drive #201, Orlando, FL 32803

4 Reasons to Hire a Process Server

4 Reasons to Hire a Process Server

In many jurisdictions, you only need to be at least 18 years of age and not a party to the process being served on. Yes, it is possible to get around using a professional process server. You could just send the documents you need to be served to the local sheriff, though you will still find expenses for going this route. Just because it takes out the leg work of finding a professional worth the cost, doesn't mean you should settle for less. These are a few of the important reasons why you may need to hire a professional process server in Orlando for your job.

Speedy Service

You need to ensure that your documents are served as quickly as possible. Especially if your service involves court hearings. Professional process servers are dedicated to making sure that they are thorough and quick with the tasks given to them. When you have the sheriff's office handle your documents, while they will handle their task professionally, they can't dedicate themselves to you. They are busy with many duties that involve immediate focus and attention.

Legal Knowledge

Put simply, while the sheriff's office has legal knowledge, process servers are knowledgeable in Rules of Civil Procedure. They have studied the laws that involve service of process and can work in multiple jurisdictions. Sheriff's Offices often times meet restrictions on what processes they are able to serve. Process servers, on the other hand, can provide state, local, and federal services.

Customer Service

Customer service is more important than you think it is. Sheriffs' offices don't have time to provide the needed customer service that is often expected. With a professional process server, those who are served can have the chance to have questions answered and details cleared up. Furthermore, if an address of a subject is incorrect or outdated, then a professional process server will take the time to try and find them still. Sheriffs' offices are often times too busy to chase someone down when they are dodging being served.

Higher Success Rate

Professional Process Servers are able to boast a higher serve success rate than the sheriff’s office. This is due to their ability to focus solely on process serving, whereas sheriffs don't have the time to make frequent attempts to serve someone. You will find that when you hire a professional process server, you are paying for someone to dedicate themselves to your task. They will even serve their documents on weekends and outside work hours if they must.

These are just a few reasons why you should trust the professionals to take care of delivering your court documents. If you are looking for a trustworthy and reputable process server in Orlando, contact us to hear more today!

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