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Five Frequently Asked Questions about Process Servers

Five Frequently Asked Questions about Process Servers

When people think of process servers, they just want to say, “You’ve got served.” Although serving court documents is their main job, it requires many steps and challenges to complete this task. When you understand more about what a process server in Orlando does, you can understand why their role in the court process is essential. These are a few of the most frequently asked questions about process servers and their job.

How can I check the progress of my process server?

Your process server will likely stay in close contact with you to alert you of the progress on serving the documents. They will also speak with the legal team to provide them with documents of proof once the documents are served, which will move the legal process forward. These professionals have open lines of communication each step of the way.

Can you refuse to be served papers?

Many people will try to avoid being served papers by a process server, but eventually the process server will locate them. If you try to refuse your court documents, the courts will file additional paperwork that makes it difficult, or even illegal, to avoid them forever. For example, they can send court documents in certified mail, give them to a family member that lives in the same residence, or even publish a notice in a local publication to track you down.

How long will it take to serve the papers?

Legal cases are often time-sensitive, so you want to trust that your process server in Orlando will work diligently to complete their job. However, there are many factors to consider when it comes to the job of delivering documents. For example, some jurisdictions prevent legal documents from being delivered on the weekends or on holidays. Also, if a defendant is trying to evade service, it can be more difficult to track them down.

How do you find people trying to evade you?

When the defendant is trying to evade being served, the process server is responsible for finding them. They will use tools such as databases, social media, internet searches, and word of mouth to determine where the defendant may be hiding. Process servers only use methods that are legal and effective to remain ethical all throughout the process.

How much does this service cost?

The cost will depend on a variety of factors, including travel times, parking fees, and difficulty finding the defendant. If you need rush services, you can also expect to pay a little more. When you reach out to your process server, they should be transparent and upfront about all costs associated with your job.

By understanding more about what process servers do, you can make the best choice for your legal matter. If you are looking for experienced and quality process servers, contact Central Florida Process to hear about our team today.

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