1516 E Colonial Drive #201, Orlando, FL 32803

4 Things Process Servers Want You to Know

4 Things Process Servers Want You to Know

It is safe to say that Hollywood's portrayal of information about what a person's job looks like is rarely the truth. For example, NCIS does not correctly represent a police officer's job, and Suits does not honestly portray what the industry is like for lawyers. The process server representation in television and movies is even more inaccurate. Our experts offer the following information that process servers in Orlando want you to know.

We do more than just serve legal documents.

People have a familiar mental image of process servers serving legal paperwork. While this is undoubtedly part of their job, much more is involved. A process server supports the court and legal system by hand-delivering legal and official court documents like complaints, summons,  subpoenas, and more to people engaged with court actions.

Process servers must be acquainted with legal methods and procedures because they work closely with many other legal professionals. Serving process requires a variety of skills beyond just giving someone their documents. For example, getting a person served and having that service stand up in court requires knowledge of service requirements and court rules, persistence, and thorough, precise record-keeping techniques.

Process serving requires practical research skills.

As we said before, being a process server requires more than just delivering documents. They put a lot of work into finding people. Process servers use any information available to access the location of businesses or individuals, using web and social media searches, known associate consultations, databases, and more to locate individuals. Many times a process server has limited information to work from meaning. As a result, they are compelled to think outside the box to identify an individual's location.

Today, people move more frequently than they had to in the past, so locating a person's current address can be tricky. Businesses can also be challenging to find, especially with 'doing business as' or shell companies. To locate difficult-to-find firms and people, a process server must use any available resources to avoid the need for petitioning alternate service options.

Process serving involves the use of technology.

These days technology is a huge part of nearly every job. Process serving is no different. There is a wide range of ways that process servers use technology. For example, when locating a subject, a process server uses various resources, including social media sites, address databases, and Google. Technology also plays an important role when it comes to delivering legal documents. For example, mobile apps using GPS to verify locations are essential tools for process servers to document delivery attempts. Process servers also manage their workflows and services with the help of technology. These professionals can easily supervise a client's digital records thanks to imaging technologies and data transfer.

Process servers are on the road a lot.

You may think a process server spends much of their time behind a desk based on the level of research they are required to do. Unfortunately, this is simply not true. Process servers spend the majority of their time on the road. In many cases, their time on the road is not necessarily quick back and forth trips. There are many opportunities for dead ends and plenty of time spent waiting or reassessing plans. After all, not every individual is receptive to having process served, meaning that it can take several attempts to serve documents to an individual.

These are just a few things a process server in Orlando wants people to know. Contact us today for more information on our available services.

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