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Process Server or Local Sheriff: Which is the Best Choice?

Process Server or Local Sheriff: Which is the Best Choice?

The act of process serving is carried out to kick start a law suit. Process Serving is a legal step taken to provide the defendant in a lawsuit with claims from official notice about the proceeding.

There are some jurisdiction that allows a plaintiff in a lawsuit to use any adult to serve papers to the opposite party in question. However, due to the fact that these parties are not trained, it is not usually the best alternative. As an alternative, many people resort to using a professional server or a deputy sheriff to serve papers.

By law, a deputy sheriff or a registered process server is authorized to serve papers. They are also able to take petition or complaint against defendant at the court of law. However, between a deputy sheriff and a professional process server, who is better used for serving process prior to a lawsuit?

Survey of Law Office Personnel

There was a recent survey of about a hundred paralegals and legal secretaries about the best person to serve papers for the purpose of a lawsuit. From the poll result, it was gathered that many legal professional would rather prefer a professional server serving paper. Majority of the legal professionals will rather go for process servers rather than deputies. Also, of the respondents, many prefer the service of a process server rather than a deputy.

Knowledge, Success, Cost and Speed

Still on the same survey participants, they also reveal that a professional process server is the best choice. This was because they were seen as knowledgeable and experienced. Besides this, the survey also revealed that the professional servers were more efficient and diligent in completing their task. They also had a higher success rate and executed their duties at a pretty reasonable cost!

Examining Service Success rate closely

Bear in mind, that there cannot be a lawsuit, either by an individual or a business till the defendant has been properly served. When using a professional process server, the success rate is 92%, according to the poll result. While using deputy sheriffs, the success rate was however 74%

Private process Server Enjoyed Top notch Customer Service

The legal professionals also admitted that the customer service of professional process service was amazing, compared to that of a Sheriff’s department. While this is not just a witch-hunt against Sheriff’s department, the survey revealed that the Sheriff’s department had a whole lot of other important duties besides serving summons for complaint or petitions.

However, all a professional process server does is to serve papers!

Examining Cost as Well

While the services of a process server is slightly on the higher side, the difference isn’t very much. On the average, the cost difference between a process server and the Sheriff’s office is about $15. When you view the various advantages that the process server has over a Sheriff’s office, the process server is a good option.

We at Central Florida process are skilled in all acts of process serving. Get in touch with us if you do need a process server in Orlando. We will be glad to discharge your duties diligently.

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