1516 E Colonial Drive #201, Orlando, FL 32803

What Will A Process Server Do For You?

What Will A Process Server Do For You?

For its day-to-day functioning, the judicial system necessarily requires the services of process servers. It is their responsibility to deliver the correct documents to the concerned officials. Their services are required for serving various kinds of legally recognized documents. For example, they serve legal documents to inform a person of lawful filings and also to coerce an individual to appear in court at a particular date and time.

Summons for a Civil Case

In case of civil cases, the court issues summons to inform the concerned person that there is a complaint pending against him. If the original summon fails to bring the required person to court, the court issues an alias summon. This kind of summon is also known as pluries summons. There is a definite time frame for serving summons in Florida. A proficient process server ensures to serve summons in time, ensuring that there is no loss of time for the court and the case doesn't get dismissed.

Mortgage Foreclosure Documents

Due to the lien theory, the Florida state treats foreclosures as lawsuits. As it necessitates foreclosures to be routed via a court, a mortgage foreclosure complaint and lis pendens ought to be served to the defaulter. It calls for the services of the process server to assist the process for the lender by serving the said notices.

When a tenant is at fault in following the lease, he is served an eviction notice of three days. The tenant is at fault if he fails to make the payment of the required amount of rent, or consistently makes late payments. Such a notice is served prior to serving the eviction notice, thus giving time to the tenant to pay his dues or look for another accommodation. The notice period for other violations, including carrying any criminal activity at the property, is seven days.

An expert process server in Orlando skillfully handles eviction notices. In eviction cases, property managers often need to deal with irate persons. Process servers are competent to safely and efficiently handle such kind of a situation on behalf of the property managers.

Writs for recovering a property or money

In the US, a garnishment is a legal order for collecting a financial judgment A writ of garnishment needs to be served in a manner that the garnishee gets adequate time for responding. A writ of replevin means the court orders an individual to take possession of the guarantee (collateral or security) or to give back the assets to its legal owner. Here again, the process server comes to your rescue for serving such notices.

Subpoenas to force appearance

Another responsibility of a process server is to hand out subpoenas that force an individual to appear in court. A first class server is well aware of the set of laws as applicable to this process.

An experienced and qualified process server is capable of serving a wide range of legal notices and documents, including these mentioned hereunder:

  • Petitions
  • Interrogatories
  • Orders
  • Motions
  • Complaints

Are you looking for an experienced and reliable process server in Orlando? Call us or email us today for a free consultation.

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