1516 E Colonial Drive #201, Orlando, FL 32803

Top 5 Tips for Process Servers to Prevent Assault

Top 5 Tips for Process Servers to Prevent Assault

These days, assault against process servers is gradually becoming common. This makes it important to take conscious steps to know how one can protect oneself. Thus, whatever the case may be: taking a self-defense class, learning some tactics, discussing with professional process servers, there are recommended ways to be protected when on a serve.

We present common tips to guard against assault as taught by experienced process servers in Orlando.

1. Carefully Read What You are Serving

Scrutinizing the document can provide one with red flags. Many times, there are clues in the documents that show that more information is needed on the service before attempting it. Thus, veteran process servers in Orlando recommend seeking for pointers of potential violence like a temporary restraining order that comes with complaints of violence, excessive alcohol, and drugs.

2. Request to Know if there is a History of Violence

It is not enough to understand the reason why you are serving documents. A good process server in Orlando knows that the best source of information is the client. Thus, you can request for the following info from your client:

  • What will be the person’s likely reaction to being served?
  • Does he/she have a clue that a service is on the way?
  • Is the person into drugs or alcohol?
  • Has the person ever been arrested before?
  • Does he have a history of sexual assault?

We, however, advise that you not depend on the information that the client presents. It is important to do some additional checks on your own.

3. You Do Not Have to Take Every paper

It is recommended that you compare what you gain from the process with the danger in it. In this case, it is not recommended that one take every serve and asides, there are situations where some serves are not worth the effort and danger involved.

4. Be careful of Serving at Night

While it is a good idea to be able to serve documents only during daylight hours, that is not always practical. Hence, the process server in Orlando admits that a recipient could be suspicious and uncomfortable with having a stranger on their front door at night. This can increase danger and make the person more prone to being violent.

In this regards, we recommend going with a flashlight and using it respectfully.

5. Have the Right Attitude

One of the worst things a process server can do is visiting the recipients’ home with a negative attitude. Ask any process server in Orlando, being cursed and yelled at is part of the job which all process servers must get used to. Thus, it is important to develop the strength and maturity to handle it calmly.

Besides, a person who gets worked up easily or finds it difficult to keep calm in a tense situation might not want to consider taking up a job as a process server. It is important to be responsible and polite to people you serve.

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