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5 Tips To Know If A Process Server Is Legitimate

5 Tips To Know If A Process Server Is Legitimate

Legal cases could be pretty confusing and sometimes, when confronted with a process server in Orlando, you might wonder at times if the process server is genuine or trying to pull a scam.

If you have a feeling you have been a victim of process service fraud, these tips will be able to help you stay safe. If you need to hire a genuine process server in Orlando, get in touch with us at Central Florida process as soon as possible.

1. Is the process Server requesting for payment?

Individuals, businesses, lawyers etc who hired the process servers are the ones responsible for the payment. The party that is served is never the one to pay a process server. With this in mind, if a process server requests a payment, it is good to reject the document and get in touch with law enforcement to report.

2. Is the process server a known associate?

Almost all states in the U.S has it as a requirement that a process server cannot be involved in his own case. This means that the person involved in the case or the one suing you cannot be the party to serve you. For more information, revise the process service rule and regulation in your state.

3. Is the Process Server a Minor?

A child appears less threatening hence a fake process server could desire to use a child to get you to open the door. But the law in most U.S. State is that a process server must be over the age of 18. With this in mind, a child cannot be a process server and cannot serve you.

4. Is the process Server threatening you?

A process server is still bound by the law. With this, they are not allowed to intimidate or threaten you. Have in mind that professional process servers does not take part in the lawsuit hence, they do not care about collecting your money.

Also, a process server is not authorized to issue a warrant for arrest. This can only be done by an authorized officer or a marshal.

5. Does the process Server request for Sensitive personal identity Info?

Yes, a process server will ask for your name to be sure that he is serving the right person. However, sensitive personal info like social security number, credit and debit card info etc cannot be requested by a process server in Orlando.

A process server requesting for personal information is likely a fake one. And such sensitive information could give people access to your money or even steal your identity. Avoid providing process servers with sensitive information rather, report them to Federal trade Commission.

These tips will prevent you from falling victim to a process server scam. Have in mind that process servers do conduct themselves gracefully and will discharge their duties with honor and dignity. Also, they are not above the law hence, all their activities are usually within the dictates of the law.

Need help with process serving? Get in touch with us at Central Florida Process. We have skilled and professional process servers in Orlando who will deliver your documents efficiently and satisfactorily. Give us a call today!

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